10 Things That Gamers Today Will Never Experience

3. No Microtransactions

Halo split screen

In the days before the internet, when you bought the game, you got the whole game.

And unlocking everything was down to you playing the game and completing objectives. Now, since the vast majority of games are connected to the internet, there's the option of downloadable content, season passes, etc.

Sometimes these are great little extras to add on top of an already complete game, other times you're buying the true ending of the game which is a load of bull.

Worst offender of all is the dreaded microtransaction. Most notorious in mobile games, these are usually to purchase in-game currency in order to buy costumes, characters or even progress through the game at a faster rate.

However, there are companies like King Mobile or Activision that lock huge amounts of content behind pay walls that you almost have no choice but to shell out.

Either that or grind for dozens of hours in order to get the minimum resources you need to progress, at which point the game isn't fun anymore. Remember when rewards in games were fair and you could afford that character you desperately wanted? 'Cause you'll never see it again!

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!