10 Things That Gamers Today Will Never Experience

2. Cheat Codes

Halo split screen

When was the last time you entered a cheat code into a video game? I bet it wasn't anytime recent, as studios want you to play their games or pay to progress.

This was the quick way to unlock characters in the old days: get secret cheat codes from your friends, type them into your game hoping something would happen, lo and behold, you've unlocked Penta Penguin for CTR!

Some of these codes were little more than urban legends, some were essential to progress. For example, password screens being the only way to carry on in a game before saves were even a thing.

A lot of games had cheat codes for silly things that didn't make a huge difference like big head mode, others had God mode which made you invincible. And for the exceptionally lazy, there were codes to unlock everything and go crazy in multiplayer with your friends.

Just saying - good cheat codes were an art form, lost to history.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!