10 Things That Prove EA Have Completely Lost Their Way
6. Cancelling Visceral's Star Wars Title
Cancellations aren't an uncommon thing in the gaming industry, but are especially painful when the title itself held a great deal of potential. EA's reasoning behind cancelling Visceral Games' single-player Star Wars title was absolutely ridiculous.
When asked about the reason behind cancelling the upcoming title, EA made it clear that the focus on single-player and lack of multiplayer components that drove Visceral's Star Wars game was also the reason behind it's cancellation.
The fact that EA looks at games that don't have multiplayer as a bad thing should really show how out of touch they are with the gaming audience. Yes, games like Destiny and Call of Duty tend to sell really well, but they aren't the games that we all remember and they aren't the games that gamers want.
Visceral's Star Wars game had such a huge amount of genuine potential, and the fact that EA took that away simply because it didn't have a huge market reach is both depressing and infuriatingly short sighted on their part.