10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

8. A Realistic Graphics Engine

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

Star Wars games have gone through a lot of graphical styles over time. Granted, in the beginning there were only so many pixels on offer so we had to settle for a blocky Millennium Falcon but times have changed enough now that there really is no excuse for blocky graphics... Except for Lego Star Wars, obviously.

Some titles have aged quite badly; Knights of the Old Republic didn't quite manage to make curvy things completely round. The Force Unleashed's Starkiller was dead behind the eyes and The Clone Wars movie tie in capitalised on the cartoony styling of the film/series well but it's far from perfect.

In this writer's opinion, the graphics engine that would best support a Star Wars game would be REDengine 4 - the engine behind Cyberpunk 2077 that looks utterly 'breathtaking' based on everything we've seen, so far.

The sheer number of species, variance in weaponry, the requirement to render massive environments, spaceships, space itself etc. will probably push any game engine pretty hard, but Star Wars has been at the forefront of CGI design throughout the Skywalker saga.

The game has to stand up to that, and nothing else will do.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.