10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

7. Optional Force Sensitivity

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

The Force is a key part of the Star Wars universe and flows through the Jedi & Sith to gift them their superhuman abilities. From deflecting laser fire to conjuring lethal doses of lightning, the power Force users wield is truly awesome but is it really necessary?

Prior to Disney's takeover of Lucasfilm, the best Star Wars video games weren't always centred on the Jedi and we still enjoyed hours of gameplay even though we couldn't draw on the Force to choke enemies or push them off cliffs - even if we wanted to.

Republic Commando, Bounty Hunter, half of the Jedi Knight series and Rogue Squadron (to name but a few) are all titles wherein the player doesn't play as a Force sensitive character (mostly) but they are immensely enjoyable. Who'd have thought that some of the best Star Wars games would be First Person Shooters and flight simulator/dog fighting games?

Sure, the perfect Star Wars game is going to need an element of the Force but why not make it truly optional? Having the buff of Force Lightning could compromise a player's health or appearance, for example?

Poor Sheev Palpatine got a faceful of deflected lightning and now he looks like a walnut.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.