10 Things To Love And Hate About The Spyro Reignited Trilogy
7. Love: The Glitch Fixes
Putting all nostalgia aside, the original series of Spyro did suffer from a fair number of glitches, bugs and exploits.
Part of this can be put down to coding issues or the memory limitations of the hardware and discs at the time, but these did range from small things that let people skip sections of game play all the way to legitimate game-breaking issues that locked players out of full completion.
One of the most common was the Speedway glitch in the third game which could render one of the eggs noncollectable if certain (fairly innocuous) conditions were met. The second game was notoriously buggy in the first version, to the extent that the entire game could be completed in less than ten minutes by exploiting out of bounds tricks and load zones that were hidden under maps.
While a lot of these have been fixed in the reignited series and most game-breaking softlocks removed, that isn't to say that the remake is not without its own quirks. Anyone interested in breaking this newer reimagining of the series would do well to look up exploits like "roll in air" and "infinite flight".