10 Things Uncharted 4 Already Does Better Than Quantum Break
2. Be A System-Seller
Being a 'system-seller' isn't something that happens because a press event told the world a given game would be. It didn't work for Halo 5, it didn't work for The Order: 1886, and when press outlets are literally doing articles about "Why Quantum Break is a reason to buy an Xbox One", you know that message hasn't already hit home.
By contrast, people bought PS4s just for the shinier versions of the original Uncharted games, never mind the upcoming one. Nathan Drake is a world-renowned character, up there in the iconic stakes with Master Chief, Mario and Lara Croft. He's a character that pulls audiences in like an A-list actor; one that has a presence onscreen and an appeal routed in us wanting to see what his next adventure is.
Worryingly for Remedy, a day before release, the highest-voted comments on every trailer for Quantum Break were about just how little people knew going in - and not in a good way. Microsoft were still touting it as one of their premiere releases, despite not backing that up with truly enrapturing PR that set it up to make a real impact.
System-sellers are built over time through demos, unique, innovative hooks that show consumers what they're in for, or just as a sequel to something that's already done all three. It's a delicate balancing act not giving away specific spoilers (look to the disconnect between The Force Awakens and Batman V Superman's release schedules), but Uncharted has already laid the groundwork for what's to come, whereas your average person couldn't tell you what Quantum Break 'is', even after launch.