10 Things We Desperately Want From Resident Evil 8

6. Defence Weapons

Resident Evil 8 Village Cover Art

First introduced in the stellar remake of the original game, defence weapons are a 'get out of jail free card' that allows you to avoid damage if you have one equipped.

Daresay it, these items are responsible for saving many a player's lives and quite a few of us wouldn't have survived the horrific ordeal of the Spencer Mansion without them. Despite them being an automatic action that required no input from the player, seeing Chris or Jill savagely plunge a dagger into a zombie's head never failed to get the blood pumping.

They were thankfully brought back in the Resident Evil 2 Remake but were sadly missing from the recent Resident Evil 3, instead replaced with Jill's signature dodge mechanic from the original game. Given that Resident Evil 8 is utilising the first-person perspective, a dodge move won't be the easiest mechanic to implement, so bringing back defence weapons seems like a no-brainer.

From the looks of the trailer, it seems like we're going to be accosted by hoards of highly vicious enemies in Resident Evil 8, so it only seems fair that Capcom would bring these items back to give us a fighting chance.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.