10 Things WWE 2K21's REAL Replacement Needs To Fix

6. The Visuals

WW 2K20 Randy Savage
2K Games

As far back as 2K15, 2K have struggled to get their graphics up to par with the likes of FIFA and Madden. 2K have always managed to get some wrestlers, such as Triple H and Randy Orton, looking excellent. However when it comes to many younger wrestlers, and especially women, 2K have often dropped the ball, to the extent where many look decidedly last gen.

At this point, it feels like 2K and Visual Concepts should look to adopt an entirely new engine for their next offering. The current one has been plagued with the same old issues for so long now, that it seems it simply cannot cope with the demands of what a modern day WWE game should look like.

Long hair has forever been an issue in WWE games, and is a key reason for much of the game’s women looking awful compared to their male counterparts. Furthermore, the lighting makes some wrestlers look like monsters from a horror movie and far below the standard one would expect from a $60 game.

In 2K20, these problems were amplified, and many characters, such as The Rock and Peyton Royce, looking noticeably worse than in 2K19. It’s time for 2K to pack in their tired engine, and replace it with one ready for the demands of modern gaming.


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