10 Things WWE 2K21's REAL Replacement Needs To Fix

5. Universe Mode

WW 2K20 Randy Savage
2K Games

In theory, Universe mode should be by far the best mode in the WWE 2K games. The ability to create your own version of WWE and shape it in any way you want, is the kind of power trip many wrestling fans will have been dying for. If you feel like Noam Dar should be pushed to the top of the card and face Randy Savage in the main event of WrestleMania, you can do that. Unfortunately, everything around Universe mode just becomes a slog.

Many matches do not offer any real storytelling value outside of the occasional run-in from a rival. Because of this, most matches are a chore to play through, with many feelBig like filler just to get through the show. While the mode does give you plenty of freedom when creating your stories, it is nothing compared to the amazing story designer last seen in 2K14, the mode which 2K feel Universe is able to replace.

The worst part is the promo system, which provides "sparkle crotch" levels of awful dialogue. Rather than actually saying something meaningful to tell a story story, the game spouts out generic insults while the character awkwardly mimes in the ring.

Universe mode should be amazing, however these issues need to be fixed, or else it will continue to flounder.


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