10 Things WWE 2K21's REAL Replacement Needs To Fix

4. The DLC

WW 2K20 Randy Savage
2K Games

Admittedly, this is not a problem that is strictly associated with 2K20 as much as all WWE games from the past five years. 2K have struggled to produce DLC that is value for money in both quality and quantity of content. In previous years, they would often put new Superstars, moves and… not much else into the season pass.

With 2K20, 2K tried a different approach with their 2K Originals. The various content packs they released focused on embracing the sillier side of wrestling, embracing horror and futuristic elements. While these ideas were interesting, in reality, the packs offered little in terms of new gameplay mechanics, and mostly amounted to a set of new skins and arenas, thus falling into the same failings as older games.

2K’s approach therefore needs to change. Fortunately for them however, someone has already shown them how DLC should be done in WWE games: 2K. In WWE 2K15, 2K offered three extra Showcases as part of their season pass, which provided not several hours of new story content, but also a plethora of legends to unlock, such as Hulk Hogan and André the Giant.

This approach made the season pass great value for money, and is how 2K should look to implement DLC in the future.


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