10 Things You Didn't Know About Batman: Arkham City

8. There Are Surprising Connections To Lost

Batman Arkham City joker

Unsurprisingly, there's a whole bunch of Easter eggs and pop-culture references tucked away in Arkham City that could easily take up its own list. Hell, one of these list entries even originally concerned Luke Skywalker's lightsaber potentially showing up in the Deadshot side quest, but that turned out to simply be the villain's sniper scope at a weird angle. Still, the fact that so many people though it was legit proves just how packed this series is with secrets like it to find.

However, one TV show that pops up more than others in City's references is Lost. Now, this isn't just a target picked at random, but actually stems from the fact that the game's writer, the always excellent Paul Dini, also served as a story editor on the series. I know, there's a surprising trivia fact for you in and of itself.

As a result, everything from a series of repeated numbers that would ring alarm bells for any fans of Lost to goons outright discussing how they didn't 'get' the ending of the show (don't worry guys, I don't think you're alone with that,) can be found in game.

Though he's since retired from Twitter, one of Lost's co-creators, Damon Lindelof, even jokingly responded at the time, tweeting: "Crud. Now I've gone and pissed off the Joker (touche, ARKHAM CITY)".


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3