10 Things You Didn't Know About Sly Cooper

7. The Gang Has A Loving Story Arc

Sly Cooper movie
Sucker Punch Productions

Throughout the series, most fans will note that the gang is as close as people can be with their love for one another only growing stronger as time passes. However, the start of this love affair was not always as understanding as we remember from later installments in the franchise.

In the first game, we see that Sly does not treat his co conspirators very well, complaining about them quite frequently. He is often found saying that Bentley slows down missions, and speaks ill of Murray and his lack of intelligence.

This is not something that stays in the series, especially after he is captured by the Contessa and saved by Bentley. From this point in the second game forward, Sly starts to lose a lot of his selfish tendencies, showing his appreciation for his team much more frequently.

By the third and fourth game, Sly actively speaks about how he could never be the person that he is without the gang at his back. It is extremely fulfilling to see him love his team so much, especially considering how self-centered he starts out the series.

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I am a musical theater performer that trained in ballet for 12 years. I love horror movies, anime, video games, and makeup.