10 Times EA Screwed The Pooch

9. The Battlefield 4 Release

Darth Vader Thumb

If you don't know about the Battlefield 4 release, you can consider yourself lucky, because that means you weren't subject to trying to play it when it came out.

The game was borderline unplayable, crashing for many before they could even get into it, and then being riddled with bugs and glitches for those "fortunate" enough to make it in.

Major patches were still being done to the game over a month after it released, and EA would quickly come under fire from various law firms that felt their initial advertising for the game was drastically dishonest when compared to the product players got.

Awfully, even DICE's attempts to fix these issues resulted in more problems, as when they get PC users to playtest for them, the software they used to try and test the game created further issues due to it having a faster tickrate. This would have maybe been forgivable - if it wasn't six months after the game initially came out.


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