10 Times Games Made Fun Of You (And Gave You An Achievement As A Reminder)

7. Do Not Shoot The Water - Resident Evil 4

Metal Gear Solid 2 Snake Beater

Despite its horror setting, Resident Evil 4 allows itself some moments of levity, although sometimes they come at the player's expense.

One of the most iconic locations in the game is the lake where Leon faces a huge mutated fish, but the thing is, even when you're not fighting the monster, you can get tricked into getting eaten by it.

When you visit the lake, shooting your weapon at the surface of the water a few times will secretly trigger the fish to jump out and eat you, killing you on the spot.

While the experience is quite terrifying (and embarrassing), the game goes one step further with its prank and makes fun of you for falling victim to your own curiosity by giving you a condescendingly named achievement, "Don't Shoot the Water."

It's like the developers thought getting swallowed by the giant fish just wasn't punishing enough and decided to commemorate your scary accident with something that could remind of the trauma forever.

You can think of it every time you want to take a step into any body of water and instantly go into the fetal position! Neat!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.