10 Times Just Not Giving A F**K Gave Us Great Video Games

2. Grand Theft Auto V

While Grand Theft Auto IV received rave reviews upon release, it took a noticeable step away from the insanity of previous titles like San Andreas and Vice City in favour of a more realistic setting (based on New York City, much to the media's disgust) with mature themes and scenarios. While it was enjoyable, many felt that a lot of the fun elements of GTA had been left out; Rockstar didn't make the same mistake twice. From the very first trailer, it was clear that Grand Theft Auto V was going to do everything bigger and better. A new look San Andreas provided a huge playground and Rockstar ran rampant with ideas. No character embodies that better than Trevor, of course; his psychotic antics easily make Grand Theft Auto V the most unhinged in the series and that's without mentioning the missions involving aliens, drugs or clowns. One thing is clear - Rockstar clearly threw convention out the window when designing Grand Theft Auto V and it benefits as a result. Sure, some missions push it too far in favour of controversy but the vast majority of your time in Los Santos is about having a blast and running wild. Nobody will ever complain about Grand Theft Auto V being too serious.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.