10 Times Lara Croft Went Too Far

8. Every Single NPC Interaction In Angel Of Darkness

Lara croft tomb raider shadow of the tomb raider

In Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness, Lara has been accused of the murder of Werner Von Croy; her former mentor who had left her for dead in Egypt. To make matters worse, Lara blacked out during their meeting. She woke to find him slaughtered and his blood all over the walls, with no recollection of what actually happened.

It’s a bleak story with a much darker Lara and this is reflected in just about every single interaction she has with every NPC character in the game. Lara is clearly tired, stressed and she’s done with everything and everyone; she doesn’t have a nice word for anybody.

Lara’s interactions with all the characters are memorable because of just how awful she is to people. There’s Janice the sassy sex worker, an innocent homeless man, poor Margot Carvier who is accidentally pulled in to the situation, a nice old man in the park and so many more. This characterisation of our heroine pushed to her limits is someone you would never want to mess with, because she will eat you alive.

It didn't help that we were given dialogue options and being horrible was sometimes the only way to progress a conversation, but sometimes it had the opposite effect and got us in trouble. Oops.

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Tomb Raider
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Simon is a writer, cat dad and presenter of a geeky radio show with his husband. He loves Doctor Who (except 10 who can get in the bin…only joking.) He idolises Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lara Croft and would 100% be a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far away. He wishes life was like a musical so he’d actually be a good singer.