10 Times Lara Croft Went Too Far

2. Fire And Water

Lara croft tomb raider shadow of the tomb raider
Square Enix Europe

Towards the end of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara has been through an awful lot and the ordeal has left her battered, bruised and broken. As she nears her goal she ends up falling from a tower into a pool of water. The visuals in this scene are beautiful.

Lara sinks in the water, with fires burning on the surface and she hears voices that bring back painful memories, which only spur her on.

As she breaks the surface of the water we see her silhouette against the flames, and a mercenary crawls away in terror. Lara sees him and slowly walks out of the water, calm and controlled. He reaches for a gun but Lara stamps on his hand and crouches down, a knife held high. She brings it down and stabs him violently while remaining unfazed.

She takes the gun, stands up and faces more soldiers who turn and run in fear. Good idea. I think I would too.

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Tomb Raider
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Simon is a writer, cat dad and presenter of a geeky radio show with his husband. He loves Doctor Who (except 10 who can get in the bin…only joking.) He idolises Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lara Croft and would 100% be a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far away. He wishes life was like a musical so he’d actually be a good singer.