10 Times Silent Hill Was Absolutely Terrifying

9. The Rattling Inside The Blood-Stained Locker - Silent Hill

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPygeTmvQlE The Silent Hill series is primarily known for its subtle approach to horror, as opposed to its rivals that mainly rely on jump-scares, a technique that is often seen as a cheap ploy by horror fans. However, this scene shows that Silent Hill not only embraces jump scares but also adds layers to them. At the Midwich Elementary School, Henry opens a bloody locker that's rattling and discovers absolutely nothing. When he decides to turn around, a cleaner locker violently opens and a body drops to the floor, providing a perfect reason for players to jump from their seats. With its use of fixed camera angles, darkness (or fog), and sound effects, Silent Hill allows players to scare themselves before they reveal that the source of the noise is only a ploy. This locker scene is a another perfect example of Silent Hill's reputation for messing with its players' heads, and they can even do it with the unfairly judged jump scare. In other words, if Silent Hill were a fighter, it would throw fakes in order to catch its opponents off guard with a more devastating punch. Players may expect the rattling locker (the feint) to contain the monster, which brings their attention away from the real threat, and that€™s what makes this scene scary.
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Garrett is a technical writer by day and a freelance writer by night. When he's not thinking about popular culture he is either...no wait, he's always thinking about popular culture.