10 Times Video Game Developers Lied Straight To Your Face

2. Aliens Colonial Marines' Visual Downgrade

Aliens Colonial Marines Dance Gif

There have been few games as disappointing as Aliens: Colonial Marines. In development for years, at every opportunity Gearbox constantly talked about how excited they were to be creating an in-canon instalment in the classic monster movie franchise, reaffirming how passionate they were about these stories and how they wanted to create the best ever Alien game.

Pre-release trailers seemingly backed this up as well, all pointing towards an ambitious, beautiful treat that would be the video game adaptation fans had been waiting years for. Of course, those marketing materials turned out to be nothing more than pure fabrications.

Not only was the game itself a buggy mess, with a story that spat all over the movies, but it quickly became apparent that the gameplay trailers in no way represented the final release. It was so bad that a messy legal battle followed, which was nowhere near as damaging as the faith Gearbox lost with their fans.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3