10 Times Video Game Franchises Were Rebooted Into The Worst Thing Ever

7. Conker: Live And Reloaded

Tomb Raider angel of darkness

When Rare was bought by Microsoft in the early 2000s they were quickly put to work on crafting a remake to their incredibly popular Nintendo 64 game, Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Despite featuring a lovable squirrel as the main character, Bad Fur Day became a fan favourite because of its constant toilet humour, ridiculous amounts of violence, and overbearing sexual innuendo.

Weirdly enough however, the game that eventually came to the original Xbox, Conker: Live and Reloaded, was somehow tamer than the original Nintendo release.

Having huge chunks of its content censored, some fan-favourite moments deleted outright and somehow looking worse than the game that released four years prior, Rare's reboot failed spectacularly at capturing the magic of the initial release.

Many fans were worried that the developer would change once they were picked up by Microsoft, and Live and Reloaded was the first sign that the studio no longer had the spark, or the creative freedom, they once thrived on.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3