10 Times Video Games Knew What You Were Thinking (And Rewarded It)

1. The "Shut Up" Button - Asura's Wrath

red dead redemption edgar ross

You ever wanted to just...ruin a villain monologue? Like the bad guy is going on one of their long-winded, breathless rants about how the hero is soooo weak and their plan is so flawless and you're just sitting there, staring at your character thinking "punch him. Why aren't you punching him? He's wide open! PUNCH HIM!"

Well my psychotic friend, have I got a game for you!

Asura's Wrath, the logical conclusion of the late 2000s-early 2010s obsession with QuickTime Events, was mostly written off due to the gaming public's growing weariness with the trope, despite Wrath being easily the best implementation of it. But the one part that stuck in the minds of everyone who played it was the first time one of Asura's enemies went on a trademark JRPG villain speech, and a little prompt appeared in the corner telling the player to press O to, and I quote, "Shut Them Up".

Pressing that button immediately starts the boss fight, as Asura gets bored and slugs the boss in the face. This can be executed against every single boss fight in the game. It's the simple things in life, ya know?

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?