10 Times YOU Made A Video Game Harder

10. Power Levelling - Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy 8 Ultimecia
Square Enix

In most RPGs, you can get past a tough boss simply by spending an hour or two grinding a few levels, ensuring you return to the fight with a ton more HP and attack power.

But not Final Fantasy VIII, oh no.

Square's divisive entry into the franchise introduced a controversial enemy scaling system which not only discouraged power levelling, but ensured players were only making the game harder for themselves if they tried to.

You see, FFVIII's enemies don't scale 1:1 with players: their stats in fact boost much faster, ultimately giving them a significant edge over players trying to rush their way to max level above all else.

As such, it's possible to beat the game at extremely low levels, and rather than investing all your effort in raking in EXP, you're better off focusing on the junction system, managing your GFs, and amassing stat-boosting weapons and equipment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.