10 Tiny Video Game Details Which Will Blow Your Mind

6. Crysis 2 - Setting Off Speed Cameras

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While the original Crysis basically acted as a 10 insane details that will blow your PC apart, Crysis 2 definitely steered things towards a more optimised route, and while it still looks incredibly polished even by today's standards, it ran a whole lot smoother for many.

As a result, this meant that we were able to appreciate more of the details packed into every square inch of the game, rather than watch a slideshow of 13 FPS shudder along. For example, you can find Back To The Future references, mugshots of the developers and even a marine on the toilet just wanting to ride out the battle on his plastic throne.

However, another tiny detail that might have escaped your notice is that if you use your sprint when going through certain highway or road areas, you'll see a flash and hear a beep from one of the surrounding speed cameras notifying you that' you've just broken the speed limit. Add it to the tab mate.


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