10 Trailers That Completely Misrepresented Their Video Games
7. Mafia City/Almost Every Recent Mobile Game

For those unfamiliar, Mafia City is a 2018 mobile game from Chinese developer Yolta Games, and if you’re on Tiktok you’ve no doubt been inundated with ads for this - or many mobile games like it - with trailers that play absolutely nothing like the real thing.
This entry is really here as a placeholder for every single one of those mobile games, otherwise they’d easily fill out this entire list.
While the ads and their accompanying wildly over-the-top soundtracks promise a heroic rise from a measly level one crook to a level thirty-five boss with a character evolution featuring babes, cash, rewards, and gang faction choices, the game is, of course, nothing like that.
While non-mobile video games seem to have come around on having less misleading trailers due to gamer uproar, mobile games have confidently gone the other direction.
With exhausting microtransactions, speed up achievements that ask you to share the game on socials, almost no decisions to make, and countdowns preventing you from progressing, this one is nothing like what fans were promised. If you take anything away from this list let it be that you should check out the actual gameplay of any of these mobile games on YouTube before you spend any real world cash on them. Or before you spend your time downloading them, to be honest. Better spent elsewhere.