10 Trailers That Completely Misrepresented Their Video Games
5. Evertale
There are few games on this list that feel like the people who made the trailer had an argument with the people making the game to the point where everybody got their jobs done but there was absolutely no communication between the two. This is one of those.
Evertale is an RPG and mobile game made by ZigzaGames that has been promoted with an advertising campaign that isn’t even misleading or a little off, it’s just completely fake. It’s so far afield from the game it’s supposed to be promoting that it prompted a number of think pieces on whether companies should be allowed to market and create trailers in a way that does not accurately represent their game in any way, shape, or form.
This is one of the few cases on this list that we’d go as far as to say it’s a straight up scam.
The game trailers present what appears to be a gloomy horror version of Pokemon with a pixel art map, legitimately terrifying visuals, a compelling premise, a chilling soundtrack, and Doki Doki Literature Club levels of subversive horror themes. The trailers are wildly intriguing and the game only costs a buck so plenty of people bought in. What the game has to offer in reality is a basic Final Fantasy rip-off, turn-based RPG where you can collect creatures but every other promise was a total fabrication.