10 Truly Terrible Video Game Covers

2. Snow White and the 7 Clever Boys

The fact that this cover made me actually shudder the first time I saw it means that it had to make a high place in this list. Looking at it, one would probably guess the cover was an early entry into the PS2's catalogue, owing to its horrid CGI mannequins if nothing else. Brace yourself, then, to discover that this game was released in 2006, right at the end of the PS2's life, and yet, the art department still couldn't come up with something that didn't resemble the blocky ugliness of the PS1's polygons. Furthermore, did the game's designers not have an art team who could pull the usual trick, deceiving us with flowery box art before unleashing the maelstrom of God-awful graphics once we actually, you know, buy the game? Instead, the element of surprise is taken away from us, and we know from first glance that it's going to be absolutely horrible. It makes even less sense given that the actual game itself features some not-awful 2D animation, even if it is essentially an interactive book for children and little else.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.