10 Truly Terrible Video Games Based On Great TV Shows

9. BeyBlade V-Force

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I grew up just at a time that allowed the BeyBlade craze to take hold of the impressionable twelve-year old me, and upon learning there would be a video game adaptation for my beloved GameCube, it blew my tiny mind to smithereens; finally, a chance to experience the cartoon for 'real'

Sadly, experiencing anything other than disgust was off the menu with V-Force. The Bandai series was still in its fledgling stages, and naturally they decided to create a game doing as much as possible to push the expensive replica spinning tops, available in all good toy stores.

Due to the limited range of replicas, the customising options were capped at around 80 combinations drawn from 10 ‘blades’. Combine this restrictive RPG element with an agonisingly short tournament rather than an adventure story, and you see my point. Nothing about this game reflected the series – even the launch was stupid. Pfft, ridiculous.

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South Park
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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.