10 TV Sitcoms That Would Make Great Video Games

4. Fawlty Towers

Seinfeld game

Imagine Theme Hospital or RollerCoaster Tycoon, only set in a Torquay hotel, with the player character a blustering buffoon who has no business being in the hospitality industry. The Fawlty Towers game sees you take control of Basil, a man with a hair trigger and a sizeable chip on his shoulder, who must manage a beachside hotel in spite of his disdain for the clientele and the industry on the whole.

Each mission sees Basil grapple with a new needy guest - he must fight the urge to launch stinging barbs at his customer base, handle day to day jobs which he feels are beneath him, and wrangle a staff of incompetent or unwilling co-workers.

Basil is beset by irritations on all sides, and the player must work to keep his temper in check to complete tasks like impressing the hotel inspectors, or avoiding racially insensitive incidents involving foreign visitors.

Careful use of the NPCs like Manuel and Polly will help to achieve Basil’s ultimate goal - to transcend his coastal hotel and climb the social ladder, though the notoriously hard to control character will make this very difficult indeed.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)