10 TV Sitcoms That Would Make Great Video Games

2. Friends

Seinfeld game

This would be a Streets Of Rage-style side scrolling beat ‘em up. These six New Yorkers have been pushed too far, and the once-mild mannered sextet seek to take revenge on the city that played host to their myriad disappointments, let downs, messy break ups and humiliations.

Each of the six titular Friends would have their own skill set. Ross utilises his volcanic rage for explosive, devastating attacks. Monica boasts incredible stamina, cleaning up the mean streets like she would her Manhattan apartment, only with punches and kicks rather than a mop. Chandler attacks with a skill set as quick as his wit, and won’t hesitate to launch a quip at a felled enemy.

The game climaxes at Central Perk, where Gunther serves as the final boss. With appearances from secondary characters like Marcel the Monkey, Phoebe’s ex-boyfriend David (who’ll use his science skills to make helpful potions), and Janice (a recurring sub-boss if you play as Chandler), this will appeal to fans of the sitcom and old school Mega Drive heads alike.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)