10 Unannounced Video Games You'll Probably Be Playing By The End Of 2016

8. Battlefield 5

shadow of mordor 2 2016 games

Likelihood: 9/10

While a Battlefield 5 release this year isn't always as much of an inevitability as, say, a new Call of Duty, DICE's new entry into the acclaimed military shooter series has been teased for months at this point. 

With hints dropped in the publisher's fiscal forecasts, tweets from the developers themselves, and even listings from retailers for the upcoming game, it looks pretty certain that Battlefield 5 will be showing up before the year is out.

It makes sense in the context of the franchise though; the last game released almost three years ago at this point, and although DICE had their hands full with last year's Star Wars Battlefront, you can't imagine that EA would let their biggest non-sporting property sit idly by while competitors happily steal all the attention. 

One thing's for sure too, the latest Battlefield, whatever it is, probably won't be too similar to the third and fourth games. With the likes of Call of Duty moving further and further into the future, you can probably expect EA's shooter to follow suite - unless of course DICE surprises everyone by returning to a historical World War setting (as their leaked listing on a German retailer showed).

We can dream.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3