10 Unannounced Video Games You'll Probably Be Playing By The End Of 2016

7. Shadow Of Mordor 2

shadow of mordor 2 2016 games

Likelihood: 7/10

Shadow of Mordor was probably the biggest surprise of 2014. Although players were cautiously optimistic about a new Lord of the Rings game, I don't think anyone had any faith that a movie-licensed game would actually be any good.

But it turned out that Shadow of Mordor wasn't only a great movie-licensed release, but a great video game in its own right. Featuring the incredibly compelling Nemesis mechanic that had you organically making rivalries with enemies on the battlefield, the game was packed with exciting new ideas that we can't wait to see expanded upon in the future.

And considering the success of the title there's no way that publisher WB isn't pushing ahead on a sequel. In fact, multiple gaming sites caught wind of a hiring-spree that developer Monolith went on last year for the open world game. 

However, the most compelling piece of evidence for a 2016 release comes from the resume of a stunt actress who worked on a CGI trailer for the game made by Blur Studios. If you recall this is similar to how Fallout 4 was leaked last year, and that game came out even sooner than anyone expected.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3