10 Unbelievably Scary Video Game Locations Discovered By Hackers

7. The Secret Hazard Course - Half-Life 2

Skyrim hidden house

A year before Half-Life 2 finally hit stores in 2004, a hacker stole and leaked an unfinished version of the game, which included among it the source code and more than 1,300 map files.

One of these maps was "Hazard1," a secret hazard course of-sorts in which players must work their way through a series of increasingly surreal rooms full of unnerving imagery, culminating in a meeting with G-Man himself.

Hilariously G-Man even tells you, "You're not supposed to be here," and that's because Hazard01 was never actually supposed to be seen be players at all.

As Half-Life story writer and level designer Marc Laidlaw confirmed, Hazard01 was created as a test map for the team at Valve to test out strange environmental effects, mostly related to Gordon's encounters with G-Man.

Despite being totally unrelated to the canon storyline, it's nevertheless one of the eeriest pieces of Half-Life gameplay out there. It doesn't quite beat Ravenholm, though, admittedly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.