10 Unbelievably Scary Video Game Locations Discovered By Hackers

6. The Haunted Ruins - Resident Evil 4

Skyrim hidden house

Resident Evil 4 truly is the gift that keeps on giving, considering that some 12 years after its original release, one player discovered a deeply sinister new Easter egg hidden within the game's environment.

While exploring Chapter 5-4, YouTuber Slippy Slides discovered that after helicopter pilot Mike gets shot out of the sky, players who use their sniper scope can zoom in to a distant set of ruins and spot the vague outline of a shadowy figure.

This prompted Slippy Slides to use a camera hack to investigate further, allowing him to explore the ruins unrestricted, where he discovered a 2D sprite of an unidentified person.

To date the figure's significance remains unclear, and the low-quality sprite doesn't help, though it's probably fair to guess that they're a member of Resident Evil 4's dev team.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.