10 Unbelievably Scary Video Game Locations Discovered By Hackers

4. The Upside-Down Sinners - World Of Warcraft

Skyrim hidden house

It won't surprise anyone that World of Warcraft's rich, teeming world resulted in a number of cast-off environments which never made it into the game legitimately, though one of these incomplete areas was actually left in the vanilla version of the game for players to stumble upon.

The Forgotten Crypt - aka the Karazhan Crypt - was initially a supposedly inaccessible, walled-off part of the game world which could in fact be accessed by dying close to the gate, allowing you to glitch through inside.

The crypt interior is ominously barren, but leads to one especially notorious area that's pure nightmare fuel - the Upside-Down Sinners.

The locale is basically a pool which contains dozens of humans who have been hung upside down underwater and drowned, their corpses left suspended from chains.

Rumours have since spread that Blizzard cut the level because it was just too grim, but considering the Upside-Down Sinners is just one part of the crypt, that doesn't really track.

World of Warcraft Community Manager Bashiok suggested it was more likely the area was abandoned during development.

In 2017 Blizzard did finally make the crypt partially accessible for players who could be bothered to solve a series of riddles, but its legacy largely endures thanks to the skin-crawling nature of that room.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.