10 Unbelievably Scary Video Game Locations Discovered By Hackers

3. The Observatory - Bioshock Infinite

Skyrim hidden house
2K Games

Bioshock Infinite went through a ton of reworking during development, resulting in countless assets and even a few well-developed areas being left in the game's code for those willing to explore.

Players eventually discovered a particularly fascinating environment locked away in the game's epilogue sequence when Elizabeth and Booker reach the Sea of Doors.

Hacking the game's camera allows players to fly around the expansive map and discover a most awe-inspiring sight in the expanse - a snow-topped mountain which houses a remote observatory at its peak.

Considering the area has completed weather effects, we can safely assume it was cut relatively far into development.

As if the isolating, harsh beauty of the natural setting isn't spooky enough, opening the door to the lighthouse will cause you to fall into an infinite, unescapable void.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.