10 Underplayed Races You Should Try In Dungeons And Dragons

8. Gnome

Loxodon D&D
Wizards of the Coast

I feel sorry for Gnomes. They’ve been a playable race in 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons since it was released, yet they are still rarely chosen by players. I guess if you want to play a short race, most people would go for the halfling. That luck bonus is tempting. The Gnome though, is often overlooked and under-loved for what it can offer a player’s character.

In Dungeons and Dragons, gnomes are known for their strange sense of humour, inquisitiveness and prowess when it comes to inventing. They are often quite skilled with magic as well, having an innate ability for the arcane, favouring the illusion school for trickery.

Gnomes are quite useful in a technical sense as well. They have a bonus of +2 in intelligence, giving any Intelligence-based spell caster a big boost to their starting stats. On top of this, they also have a bonus to intelligence, wisdom and charisma saving throws against magic. Both these combined can add up to a powerful wizard with better survival.

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