10 Unfair Dark Souls Enemies

6. Royal Rat Authority - Dark Souls 2

You Died 3

Found at the Ordeal’s End bonfire in the Doors of Pharros, this boss was at least optional, so no one was forced to fight it if they didn’t want to. The problem wasn’t the rat itself, or even the fact that it looked an awful lot more like a dog than a rat. The problem was the four smaller rats that spawned at the start of the fight.

The way the fight was going to go was decided by how this first part went. If you killed them all, then beating the main boss would be a piece of cake. Stay under the body and swing at the legs. If the smaller rats managed to inflict a status-effect like toxic on you, you’re as well just giving up then and there because it isn’t going to end well.

There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to when this did and didn’t happen so it felt a lot like RNG. A bit of luck in a Dark Souls boss fight is not something that you ever want to rely on.

Casting lingering flame and luring them into it is cowardly, shameful and worth doing.

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Dark Souls
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Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.