10 Ungrateful Video Game NPCs That Deserved WORSE

8. Jimmy And Tracey DeSanta - Grand Theft Auto V

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The personal storyline of Michael, one of Grand Theft Auto V's three main protagonists, mostly revolves around solving his family's toxic dynamic.

After years of hiding from Michael's criminal past, his wife Amanda has become estranged, and his two kids, Jimmy and Tracey, have turned into spoiled teens who hate their father but aren't above asking him for money to feed whatever whim they have.

Over the course of the game, Michael's relationship with his family improves drastically, and his kids change their mindset a little. However, at their core, they still remain the same jaded and ungrateful brats they were in the beginning.

They might start acting better after you finish the mission where Michael reunites his family, but when you hang out with Jimmy as Trevor, he admits that, in reality, he still hates his father and he'd rather use him to live an easy life.

Honestly, Michael and his family should get a happy ending, but the one you get is only an illusion. It feels as though Jimmy and Tracey needed something worse than a slap on the wrist to truly learn their lesson.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.