10 Ungrateful Video Game NPCs That Deserved WORSE

5. Ms. Grimshaw - Red Dead Redemption 2

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Ms. Grimshaw from Red Dead Redemption 2 is hated among the game's playerbase more due to gameplay reasons than the story.

As one of the few female members of the Dutch's gang, as well as the Dutch's old flame, Susan Grimshaw takes it upon herself to look after the gang's camp and ensure it's stocked with supplies and funds.

Now, this is all nice, but sometimes (read "all the time") Ms. Grimshaw can get way too demanding when it comes to asking you for contributions to the camp.

No matter how many thousands of dollars you donate or how many pounds of meat, furs, and general supplies you bring to camp, Ms. Grimshaw will always make a comment about how little you contribute and how you should try to make yourself more useful.

Oh, really, Ms. Grimshaw? The guy who personally delivers half of the local fauna to Pearson and bankrolls all of Dutch's funds could be more productive? What about the dozen or so deadbeats who sit at camp all day, playing domino and knife games?

You know, maybe if Arthur actually stopped funding the gang's entire existence, Ms. Grimshaw could finally learn to be a bit more appreciative.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.