10 Ungrateful Video Game NPCs That Deserved WORSE

4. Isolde - Dragon Age: Origins

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Compared to its sequels, Dragon Age: Origins has a slightly darker tone, and so you naturally shouldn't expect all the NPCs you encounter to be nice and upstanding people.

This said, some of them can be downright insufferable, as is the case with Isolde, the wife of Arl Eamon, your ally throughout the main story.

When you visit the Arl's village to ask for his support, you discover that Eamon has fallen sick and his castle has become infested with hordes of undead that terrorize his people every night.

What's the source of this nightmare? His reckless and overprotective wife.

It turns out Isolde discovered her son is a mage, and out of fear of the templars taking him away, she kept it a secret from everyone until the kid was eventually contacted by a demon who possessed his body and used it to raise an army of dead.

When you arrive to fix Isolde's messes, she pretty much never expresses gratitude or even apologizes for the deaths she's caused. All she's concerned with is her family.

Which is why, if you feel spiteful, you can let her sacrifice her own life in a blood ritual to save her son from the demon, one last time.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.