10 Unintentionally Hilarious 90s Horror Video Games

4. Isle Of The Dead (1993)

Alone in the dark

Revived partially due to its potential for YouTube virality, 1993's Isle of the Dead was a Doom clone which attempted to emphasize the concept's horror elements without establishing a firm grasp of what horror even is in the first place.

Isle of the Dead is a notoriously cheesy, nearly unplayable early FPS game saved only by its incredibly funny animated sequences and likely unintentional witticisms. It certainly doesn't seek to provide an out-and-out horror experience, though its subtle nods to games like Wolfenstein 3D and movies like Night of the Living Dead only serve to make it seem worse in comparison.

The title also makes a bewildering attempt to merge the two totally separate gameplay spheres of first person shooting and point-and-click puzzle solving. As a result, Isle of the Dead is a sub-par example of both, and it really only deserves to be played by those who get their kicks from bottom-of-the-barrel horror experiences.

Not dissimilar in tone to the dozens upon dozens of shark movies which sought to ape the success of 1975's cinematic masterpiece Jaws, Isle of the Dead is a quick cash-in on a popular property which fails so miraculously that it is deserving of nothing but ridicule.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.