10 Unique Horror Video Games You Need To Play

8. Slender

Outlast Camcorder
Dark Horror Games

Slender makes the list for two very obvious reasons.

Firstly, 2012 was known for two things, Gangnam Style and Slender. They were plastered all over YouTube and every popular channel was playing the former, be it the exaggerative screams and cries to attract views, one person playing the keyboard and one on the mouse, or anyone else trying to cash in on the popularity.

The viral nature itself makes Slender extremely unique, not just for a horror game but a video game in general.

Something so simple; so crudely made was a hit just like that, sparking replicas and copy-cat games for years to come and arguably starting the trend of YouTubers hamming up the screams for their audience.

Its second unique point is that it actually had a sequel, Slender: The Arrival, moving it from free-to-play to a paid game, with more things to do than literally just finding eight pages. The sequel cashed in on its popularity, but that’s beside the point.

What’s unique here is the absolute spectacle that such a small, free horror game created.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.