10 Unique Horror Video Games You Need To Play

7. Resident Evil 7

Outlast Camcorder

From a questionable indie to a full-blown reinvention of a franchise, Resident Evil 7 took the bad reputation it had from previously declining titles and took a complete u-turn.

Resident Evil 7 isn’t the epitome of horror, it’s not going to scare you at every corner or give you nightmares but it is one of the most polished, well-designed horror titles to come out in recent date. What makes it even more unique is that it’s more than seven entries into a franchise.

Sure, Resident Evil is known for being spooky, gory and full of weird monsters but Capcom took the perspective to first-person and went from science experiments to haunted house in the bayou.

The tropes of Resident Evil are there, eyes you have to shoot, familiar weaponry, a certain campiness and gameplay which involves puzzles moving from different parts of a larger environment, but it puts all of that in the backseat.

What comes first is a beautifully crafted horror game that really put the Resident Evil series back on track.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.