10 Unique Horror Video Games You Need To Play

6. P.T. (Silent Hills)

Outlast Camcorder

P.T. is one of the scariest, most tense experiences you could ever play.

That’s no exaggeration, and for something that’s labelled as a playable teaser, I cannot imagine what kind of terrors awaited in the now-cancelled reboot of the Silent Hill franchise.

Once again, we have a two-part uniqueness in PT, because firstly, as aforementioned, it’s a demo. This wasn’t a game, it was the teeniest, tiniest snippet of Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro’s collaborative efforts, Silent Hills.

PT was simple, you start in a corridor, you walk through the corridor, enter a door and you’re back in the corridor. Wow, that’s boring- no. For something that involved barely four rooms, PT was a master-class, a schooling session of what horror games could be and it’s a damn shame this was lost in the divorce of Kojima and Konami.

It had intrigue, suspense and a ramping tension that increased through every repetition of the level, from the crying in the bathroom, to the hanging, dripping box in the landing.

To add to the creepiness, it’s been discovered that the demo’s main-creepy-girl-antagonist, Lisa, was actually attached to the back of the player’s camera, meaning she was always behind you.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.