10 Unknown PS2 Games That Deserve A Remake

1. Ghosthunter

Pryzm The Dark Unicorn

Perhaps I'm the only person that enjoyed Ghosthunter, but I'm fine with that. As far as hidden gems go, this is up with The Bouncer for me.

Before Nathan Drake smug'd his way onto our consoles, we had Officer Lazarus Jones. A rookie on his first day (because that's always the way) sent to investigate a disturbance at an abandoned school. The school in question is a catalyst for some supernatural shenanigans, leading our hapless dolt on a quest through different periods and places in history.

It didn't revolutionise third person shooters, but it did breath some life into the Ghostbusters formula... in that you caught ghosts with a trap, I mean. It wasn't scary, but then it wasn't trying to be.

It also had a stellar cast, including Sir Michael Gambon (Dumbledore to many) and veteran Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles voice actor Rob Paulsen. It was a cinematic feat for its time, but it never reached any more than that.

The trouble is, The Suffering came out not longer and for some asinine reason, it buried Ghosthunter.

How about we raise this Lazarus and give him a second chance, eh Sony?

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.