10 Unknown PS2 Games That Deserve A Remake

2. Project Eden

Pryzm The Dark Unicorn
Eidos Interactive

Prior to release, Project Eden had a fair amount to look forward to. A multi-faceted adventure in a sci-fi setting, with a cast of four differing characters. What could go wrong?

Well... not a great deal, but perhaps it was let out of the oven too early.

The main tenet of Eden's gameplay is utilising each character and their strengths to overcome the labyrinthine underworld of the mega-city you occupy. This could be done solo, or spread between four players to lighten the load and work together.

Whether in hindsight we can label it too bold or not, Eden was a fairly unique experience for the time.

Unfortunately, technical limitations on the PS2 led to lacklustre reviews, subsequently scuttling any hope of it being a top seller.

Yet with fresh eyes and the theme of this list, wouldn't it be worth reviving the project and breathing new life into it? Whether the multiplayer is ditched or not, there's a strong enough foundation for a decent sci-fi puzzle/action romp in here.

There's a story on par with the System and BioShock's, it'd be a shame if we let it go to waste.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.