10 Unknown PS2 Games That Deserve A Remake
5. Urban Reign
Not many of the 16bit beat 'em up's made the transition to 3D, and the new ones that came out didn't exactly fare very well.
Ergo, we've never seen Fighting Force again, but Streets of Rage has made a twenty six year return (albeit still 2D). My point is, Urban Reign is a Namco brawler that could do with a remake.
Namco knows its chops when it comes to fighting games, which passed over well enough to the environmental stylings of Urban Reign. Sure, it was silly, but it was the fun kind of silly, something we could all do with from time to time.
It had a forgettable story, but that wasn't the point. The fun was in juggling enemies with combos before slamming them back into the floor with air grabs. If you persevered enough, you could Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law from Tekken jump in and do it.
And much like The Bouncer, Squaresoft's earlier offering, there's a market to be tapped now that Streets of Rage is back. If not for them, do it for the ability to wear snakeskin suits whilst kicking ass again