10 Unova Pokémon We Can’t Wait To Catch In Pokémon Go

7. Haxorus

pokemon black and white

Haxorus might just be the most divisive Pokémon in all of Generation V. It’ll shake up the in game meta of Pokémon Go’s raid battles, but its design will definitely split opinion.

It’s undeniably a cool and angry design, one which rightfully looks like it packs a massive punch. When you think of typical Pokémon though, Haxorus isn’t the type of design you’d associate with Lapras, Gardevoir, Lucario or Greninja. It looks more like Digimon crossed with an overgrown bacteria, in all honesty.

Regardless of where you stand on the design, what can’t be denied is that it’s a big departure from its pre evolutions Axew and Fraxure. Previous pseudo Legendaries like Tyranitar and Salamence have managed to strike a balance between adorable and abominable, but Haxorus tips way too far towards the latter.

Most of the entries so far though have been entirely concerned with aesthetics; something hardcore PoGoers care little about. Haxorus has tremendous stats, although its Dragon typing is already overcrowded.

With a good moveset, Haxorus could be one of the best ‘mons in the whole game for a long time to come. Sure is ugly though.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)