10 Unova Pokémon We Can’t Wait To Catch In Pokémon Go

2. Hydreigon

pokemon black and white
The Pokémon Company

What’s not to love about Hydreigon? It’s basically three Dragons in one. Starting off with one head in Deino, it becomes a sort of Siamese twin Pokémon with Zweilous before getting heads for hands as well as its main head in final form Hydreigon.

It’s an instantly recognisable design, and one which might easily have been goofy were it not for how unavoidably cool Hydreigon looks. Stats wise it’s a pseudo Legendary too, and as Dark Dragon Tyranitar will finally have a Dark challenger.

Dragon remains a top heavy typing, but that’s been an issue throughout Pokémon. Hydreigon is no exception, but at least adds more variety to the pack.

Within Pokémon Go itself, it’ll likely be fairly rare, appearing only incredibly sporadically in the wild with a low chance to hatch from 10km eggs. With such massive stats, it’s practically guaranteed a Community Day eventually, meaning the shiny green Hydreigon from the anime will be accessible for every trainer in due course.

Some might find it hard to get excited about yet another powerful Dragon Pokémon, but Hydreigon is good enough to avoid getting lost in the shuffle.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)